Who has designed and costed the plans for the Polish Scout House site?

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In the first instance members of the Polish Scouting Association in the UK were widely consulted as to their wishes and needs with regard to the redevelopment of the centre. The consultation included engaging with a broad range of users: cubs and brownies, scouts and guides, leaders and volunteers. The users had a number of opportunities to say what they liked and disliked at the centre and what they would like to see changed. A number of similar facilities in the UK have also been visited to see how they are run and to seek advice. All these ideas and opinions have directly informed the final designs. We employed an Architectural practice, Morgan & Horowskyj based in Abergavenny, to develop the designs and prepare them for our successful planning application. Their appointment followed a comprehensive competitive tendering process, and several meetings both in London and on site. A Quantity Surveyor, as well as a number of other specialists, have been selected to provide detailed costings for each element of the project as it develops.