Donating money to the St. Briavels Fund

The campaign to raise money to refurbish Stanica St Briavels has been running since 2014. Many people have donated either monthly, through fundraising activities and we also have received immense financial support from Polish Organisations in the UK as well as the Polish Government.

We are grateful for every donation be it small or large that we have received.

Phase III, renovation of the White House started in Spring 2022 and we need to collect the appropriate funds to complete the project.

Any person or organisation that donates £1,000, or more, over the 5 year period will become a “Benefactor’ of Stanica and their name will appear on a specially dedicated board.

There are various ways to make contributions to the renovation of the White House which is situated at our St Briavels site.

Click on the donation form link and print off the form.

Fill in your personal details, add the amount for a one off or regular donation.

If you are a tax payer in the UK, please complete the GIFT AID section, which can add and extra 25% to your donation.

Please send the completed and signed form to the address on the form.

Thank you for your donation, it is very much appreciated. Czuj! Czuwaj!

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